Clips are lightweight snippets of text that can be quickly inserted into your editor document. They can contain any text you might need to frequently reuse, such as a particular chunk of code, a mailing address, legal boilerplate, or a template for an entire web page.

If you think of a clip as a template, placeholders represent the areas of the template that are to be filled out later.

Kinds of Placeholders

A custom placeholder appears as a blue token in the editor after the clip is inserted. The first placeholder in your clip will be selected after insertion, and you can simply type over it with your desired text. Choose Next Placeholder from the Go menu to select the next placeholder in the document, if there is more than one.
Clipboard Contents
The current contents of your clipboard will be added at this position when the clip is inserted.
Inserts the current date, formatted according to the settings in the Language & Region pane of System Preferences.

Document-Aware Placeholders

These placeholders pull information from the current document.

Inserts the filename of the document currently being edited.
Parent Folder
Inserts the name of the folder containing the document currently being edited.
Previous Word
Inserts the word immediately before the insertion point when the clip is inserted.
Insertion Point
This placeholder indicates where you’d like the editor’s insertion point to be placed after the clip is inserted.
Text Selection
Inserts the currently selected text when the clip is inserted.

Site-Aware Placeholders

These placeholders require you to be working in a defined Site, and that the corresponding field in the Sites’ settings is filled out.

Site Name
Inserts the name of the current Site.
Local URL
Inserts the Site’s Local URL.
Remote URL
Inserts the Site’s Remote URL.

These placeholders require Coda’s Source Control features to be enabled for the current Site.

Author Name
Inserts the author’s name from the Site’s SCM data.
SCM Revision
Inserts the current SCM revision.