Open up the registry editor by typing regedit.exe into your Windows search bar.

Navigate your registry to the following key

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER – Software — CampoSanto —- Firewatch —– fovAdjust_h2041137991

Right click on fovAdjust_h2041137991 and choose Modify. Set the base to be Decimal.

Our default FOV is 55. Set the value to be 100 times the amount you want to adjust the FOV by. For example, if you wanted the FOV to be 90 you need to increase the FOV by 35. So the value of fovAdjust_h2041137991 should be 3500 (35 * 100).

If you wanted the FOV to be 45, you would be removing 10, so set the value to be -1000.

Please note that the FOV can only be adjusted while Firewatch is not running. You might also be interested in an active Steam FOV Thread where people have been posting screenshots and offering guidance.


  • Open up Terminal by using spotlight to search for it.

  • Once you are in Terminal alter your defaults by typing: defaults write unity.CampoSanto.Firewatch fovAdjust -int <value>

where is 100 times the number you want to adjust the FOV by.

The changes should take effect when you start Firewatch again. If Firewatch is running while you try to change your defaults, your changes will be overwritten.

Set the value to be 100 times the amount you want to adjust the FOV by. Our default FOV is 55. For example, if you wanted the FOV to be 90 you need to increase the FOV by 35. So the here should be 3500 (35 * 100).

If you wanted the FOV to be 45, you would be removing 10, so should set to be -1000.

Please note that the FOV can only be adjusted while Firewatch is not running.

This article was last updated on December 5, 2018