How to Contact Us

We’re here to help! We have a dedicated team ready to assist you.

  • Have questions or need help, email our support team, especially if you’d like us to help with troubleshooting.

Please note that we’re no longer able to offer support through Twitter at this time

We recommend the following troubleshooting guides as a great starting place:

Try searching our Library at the top right of this page for more. We’ve got lots of great documentation here. Couldn’t find what you were looking for? If something’s missing, let us know!

Support via Email

We typically respond to emails Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, from our office here in Portland, Oregon. We’ll do our best to respond within a few business days, but our response times can vary depending on the volume of inquiries at any given time. We do get a lot of email. Thanks for your patience!

Technical Questions

If you have a question about a specific product, use one of the addresses below.

Looking for help with Nova? You can initiate support requests right from the help menu in Nova, or by filling out our handy help form:

If you’re contacting us with a tech support issue or a bug report, please make sure to include the following information so that we can help you as quickly as possible. Details are important!

Bugs are difficult to fix if we can’t reproduce the issue on our end. When something isn’t working as expected, it helps to tell us:

  • What did you try to do?
  • What steps did you take to do that?
  • What did you expect to happen?
  • What happened instead?

For help with our macOS apps, please also include

  • App version number (In the menubar, App Menu > About)
  • macOS Version (Apple Menu > About this Mac)
  • For connection issues, a copy of the Transcript (Window Menu > Transcript). If the transcript is huge, attach it as a text file.
  • If the app is crashing, a copy of the crash report. Click the Show Details button on any crash dialog box to see the full text of the crash report.

For help with our iOS apps, please also include

  • App version number (Gear icon > About)
  • iOS version number and device type (iOS Settings > General > About)
  • For connection issues, a copy of the Transcript (Gear icon > Support)
  • If the app is crashing, add your name and email address to the crash log identifier section of iOS Settings > Coda/Prompt/Transmit, then make the crash happen again. This allows us to identify your specific crash report.

Non-Technical Questions

Questions about billing, orders, and invoices can be sent to Please include your order number or the name and email address used to purchase the app.

For non-games press inquiries please contact

For game pitches, please send your materials to

For games press inquires please email

Finally for absolutely critical issues, or other things that need to go straight to the top, you can email

Rights of EU Citizens Under GDPR

Citizens of the EU may exercise their rights under the General Data Protection Regulation, such as the rights of access and erasure, by contacting us with their request. We recommend emailing the request to